Zanimljivosti u svijetu
Prikazivanje različitih vijesti,novosti i zanimljivosti iz Hrvatske i svijeta
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Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Futsal euro 2012
Hrvatska će u polufinalu u zagrebačkoj Areni u četvrtak igrati protiv boljeg iz dvoboja Rusije i Srbije.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Home Insurance
Home insurance, also commonly called hazard insurance or homeowner's insurance (often abbreviated in the real estate industry as HOI), is the type of property insurance that covers private homes. It is an insurance
policy that combines various personal insurance protections, which can
include losses occurring to one's home, its contents, loss of its use
(additional living expenses), or loss of other personal possessions of
the homeowner, as well as liability
insurance for accidents that may happen at the home or at the hands of
the homeowner within the policy territory. It requires that at least one
of the named insureds occupies the home. The dwelling policy (DP) is
similar, but used for residences which don't qualify for various
reasons, such as vacancy/non-occupancy, seasonal/secondary residence, or
It is a multiple-line insurance, meaning that it includes both property and liability
coverage, with an indivisible premium, meaning that a single premium is
paid for all risks. Standard forms divide coverage into several
categories, and the coverage provided is typically a percentage of
Coverage A, which is coverage for the main dwelling.[1]
The cost of homeowner's insurance often depends on what it would cost
to replace the house and which additional riders—additional items to be
insured—are attached to the policy. The insurance policy itself is a
lengthy contract, and names what will and what will not be paid in the
case of various events. Typically, claims due to floods or war (whose definition typically includes a nuclear explosion
from any source), amongst other standard exclusions (like termites),
are excluded. Special insurance can be purchased for these
possibilities, including flood insurance. Insurance should be adjusted to reflect replacement cost, usually upon application of an inflation factor or a cost index.
The home insurance policy is usually a term contract—a contract that
is in effect for a fixed period of time. The payment the insured makes
to the insurer is called the premium. The insured must pay the insurer
the premium each term. Most insurers charge a lower premium if it
appears less likely the home will be damaged or destroyed: for example,
if the house is situated next to a fire station; if the house is equipped with fire sprinklers and fire alarms; or if the house exhibits wind mitigation measures, such as hurricane shutters. Perpetual insurance, which is a type of home insurance without a fixed term, can also be obtained in certain areas.
The first homeowners policy per se in the United States was
introduced in September 1950, but similar policies had existed in Great
Britain and certain areas of the United States. In the late forties US insurance law was reformed and during this process multiple line statutes were written, allowing homeowners policies to become legal.
Prior to the 1950s, there were separate policies for the various
perils that could affect a home. A homeowner would have had to purchase
separate policies covering fire losses, theft, personal property, and
the like. During the 1950s, policy forms were developed allowing the
homeowner to purchase all the insurance they needed on one complete
policy. However, these policies varied by insurance company, and were
difficult to comprehend.
The need for standardization grew so great that a private company based in Jersey City, New Jersey, Insurance Services Office,
also known as the ISO, was formed in 1971 to provide risk information
and issued a simplified homeowners policy for resell to insurance
companies. These policies have been amended over the years.
Insurance for your Car
The best car insurance deal for you could be totally different to what’s
best for the next person, because you need a policy tailored to your
individual circumstances.
The right type of insurance will often depend on the value of your car.
If your car is worth less than $10.000, then the best car insurance for
you would usually be third party, fire and theft cover. This way, if
you make a claim, other parties involved will still be compensated.
Also, in the event of a fire or theft you will be covered.
If your car is only worth $4.000 then it is not worthwhile paying for
fully comprehensive cover every year -the yearly premium for that could
be more than your car is worth.
Obviously the decision is up to you, and you may want the extras that come with comprehensive cover.
Get the best car insurance for drivers
The more drivers you add to your policy, then the more expensive it
will become. But sometimes it’s unavoidable and if your additional
drivers are experienced, and the car you are sharing is of a high value
(i.e. over £5000) then you may wish to take out comprehensive insurance.
If you can avoid adding drivers who will only be using your car
infrequently then you will make large savings. Often, it is more
economical to take out temporary insurance every once in a while for
other drivers, rather than have them included on your policy.
Get the best car insurance for your age
If you are a young driver, car insurance companies will penalise you
heavily for your inexperience. But there are ways to keep these costs
down. See you tips for getting the cheapest young driver car insurance.
If you are an older driver with an expensive car then you may be best
searching for quotes for comprehensive cover. In the event of an
accident, damage to your car will be repaired, as well as damage to the
other cars involved. Comprehensive cover also includes cover for things
you may not have even thought of, such as windscreen damage and personal
Also, if you are experienced and have a clear driving record, with a
no claims bonus, your premium should be relatively low. This may mean
you are able to afford a higher level of cover, such as fully
comprehensive. It’s worth remembering that individual insurers offer
different options on their comprehensive cover. If there is something
specific you would like covered, then you should ask the insurer.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Chicago - SAD
Chicago is the largest city in the U.S. state of Illinois and the third most populous city in the United States, with around 2.7 million residents.Its metropolitan area, sometimes called "Chicagoland," is the third largest in the United States, with an estimated 9.8 million people in the states of Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana.Chicago is the county seat of Cook County,.
Chicago was incorporated as a town in 1833, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.Today, the city retains its status as a major hub for industry, telecommunications and infrastructure, with O'Hare International Airport being the second busiest airport in the world in terms of traffic movements. In 2008, the city hosted 45.6 million domestic and overseas visitors. Among metropolitan areas, the Chicago area has the 4th largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the world. Chicago is an important worldwide center of commerce.
The city's notoriety has found expression in numerous forms of popular
culture, including novels, plays, movies, songs, various types of
journals (for example, sports, entertainment, business, trade, and
academic), and the news media. Chicago has many nicknames, which reflect
the impressions and opinions about historical and contemporary Chicago.
The best known include: "Chi-town," "Windy City," "Second City," and the "City of Big Shoulders.
During the 1870s and 1880s, Chicago and the state of Illinois together
attained national stature as leaders in the movement to improve public
health. City and state laws that upgraded standards for the medical
profession and fought urban epidemics of cholera, small pox and yellow
fever were not only passed, but also enforced. These in turn became
templates for public health reform in many other states. The city invested in many large, well-landscaped municipal parks,
which also included public sanitation facilities. The chief advocate
and driving force for improving public health in Chicago was Dr. John H. Rauch, M.D.,
who established a plan for Chicago's park system in 1866, created
Lincoln Park by closing a cemetery filled with festering, shallow
graves, and helped establish a new Chicago Board of Health in 1867 in
response to an outbreak of cholera. Ten years later he became the
secretary and then the president of the first Illinois State Board of
Health, which carried out most of its activities in Chicago.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Zanimljivosti iz biljnog svijeta
Prerezana mrkva izgleda kao ljudsko oko. Zjenica, iris i
zrakaste linije izgledaju baš kao pravo ljudsko oko. …
I, DA, nauka sada pokazuje da mrkva značajno stimulira
protok krvi prema očima i njihovu funkciju.
Paradajz ima 4 komore i crven je. Srce je crveno i ima 4 komore. Sva istraživanja pokazuju da je paradajz zaista odgovarajuća hrana za srce i krv.
Grožđe visi u grozdu koji je oblika srca. Svako zrno izgleda kao krvna ćelija i sva istraživanja sada ukazuju da je grožđe također značajna hrana koja revitalizira srce i krv.
Orah izgleda kao mali mozak, sa lijevom i desnom polutkom, gornji cerebrum i donji cerebellum. Čak i bore ili kanali na orahu su kao neo-cortext. Sada se zna da orah pomaže razvoju preko 30 neuro-transmitera za funkciju mozga.
ustvari održava funkciju bubrega, i grah izgleda upravo
kao ljudski bubreg.
Celer izgleda baš kao kosti. Ovo povrće je specijalno
usmjereno za jačanje kostiju. Kosti su 23% sodium i ova
biljka također sadrži 23% sodiuma. Ako nemate dovoljno
sodiuma u svojoj dijeti, tijelo to izvlači iz kostiju,
oslabljujući kosti. Jedući celer, nadograđujemo potrebe
Patlidžan, Avokado i Kruške potpomažu zdravlje i
funkcioniranje materice i grlica materice žena – oni
izgledaju baš kao ti organi. Današnja istraživanja
pokazuju da, kada žena jede 1 avokado na sedmicu, to
balansira hormone, eliminira neželjenu debljinu u
trudnoći i pervertira rak grlica materice. I, kako je
to čudno?... uzme tačno 9 mjeseci da avokado naraste od
cvijeta do zrelog ploda. Prisutno je preko 14.000
phytolitic kemijskih sastojaka u hranljivosti jednog od
tih plodova (moderna znanost je proučila i imenovala
samo 141 od njih).
Smokve su pune sjemenja i često se pojavljuju u paru kad
rastu. Smokve pojačavaju mobilnost muške sperme i
povećavaju broj sperme također, u prevazilaženju muškog
Slatki krompir izgleda kao pankreas i ustvari balansira
glycemic index dijabetesa
Grejp, naranče i ostali citrusi izgledaju baš kao mliječne žlijezde žene i ustvari pomažu zdravlju grudi i kretanje limfe u i oko grudi
Luk izgleda kao ćelije u tijelu. Današnja istraživanja pokazuju da luk pomaže čišćenju otpadaka iz svih tjelesnih ćelija. Luk čak izaziva suze koje ispiraju epitelijalne slojeve očiju.
krastavac, zuchini i više nego ciljano ukazuju na
veličinu i snagu muških seksualnih organa.
Kikiriki ima duboki učinak na testise i seksualni libido. Kikiriki je, kao hrana za muškarce, zabranjen od crkve u vrijeme srednjeg vijeka. Većina ljudi ne shvataju da arginin, glavna komponenta Viagre, dolazi od kikirikija.
Ovo su samo neke od zanimljivih cinjenica koje su dokazane da zbilja tako djeluju, što se tiče voća i povrća.
Paradajz ima 4 komore i crven je. Srce je crveno i ima 4 komore. Sva istraživanja pokazuju da je paradajz zaista odgovarajuća hrana za srce i krv.
Grožđe visi u grozdu koji je oblika srca. Svako zrno izgleda kao krvna ćelija i sva istraživanja sada ukazuju da je grožđe također značajna hrana koja revitalizira srce i krv.
Orah izgleda kao mali mozak, sa lijevom i desnom polutkom, gornji cerebrum i donji cerebellum. Čak i bore ili kanali na orahu su kao neo-cortext. Sada se zna da orah pomaže razvoju preko 30 neuro-transmitera za funkciju mozga.

Grejp, naranče i ostali citrusi izgledaju baš kao mliječne žlijezde žene i ustvari pomažu zdravlju grudi i kretanje limfe u i oko grudi
Luk izgleda kao ćelije u tijelu. Današnja istraživanja pokazuju da luk pomaže čišćenju otpadaka iz svih tjelesnih ćelija. Luk čak izaziva suze koje ispiraju epitelijalne slojeve očiju.
Kikiriki ima duboki učinak na testise i seksualni libido. Kikiriki je, kao hrana za muškarce, zabranjen od crkve u vrijeme srednjeg vijeka. Većina ljudi ne shvataju da arginin, glavna komponenta Viagre, dolazi od kikirikija.
Ovo su samo neke od zanimljivih cinjenica koje su dokazane da zbilja tako djeluju, što se tiče voća i povrća.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Prirodne katastrofe - dokumentarac
Danas Vam donosimo prilog o prirodnim katastrofama, koje nam sve ćešće dolaze zbog velike promjene klime.
Čovijek je najveći krivac za promjene koje se dešavaju, naročito u posljednjih 40.godina.
Iako se stalno radi na poboljšavanju klime, odnosno samog okoliša, ipak je to pretežak zadatak da bi bio 100% ostvariv, nažalost već je prekasno za neke veće promjene u pozitivnom smislu.
Zbog velikog razvoja industrije te ostalih sličnih pogona, zrak u atmosferi se jako zagađuje,što stvara negativne posljedice na samu klimu i njen razvoj.
Ljudi previše zagađuju zemlju,okoliš te samim time i klimu, koja se mijenja zbog toga.
Da bi se klima uspijela oporavit, mi ljudi bi trebali ugasit svu industriju,prestat vozit automobile, te mnoge druge stvari koje zagađuju okoliš, i to najmanje 100godina bi trebalo tako bit, da zemlja sama obnovi svoje izvore te se sve vrati u normalu.
Danas ima sve više, potresa,tsunamija,zime su sve hladnije, pa čak i na onim toplijim krajevima di skoro pa nikad nema snijega,i tamo pada,ljeta su isto tako sve toplija.
Sunce je sve jače,te samim time jačaju ultraljubičaste zrake koje su štetne za čovijeka,ozonska rupa je sve veća,pa tako i zaštita od sunca sve manja.
Led se topi sve brže,dok se razina mora povećava, što se počelo osjećat u mnogim krajevima kao npr. Maldivima, gdje je počeo nestajat jedan otok,zbog povećanja razine mora.
Znanstvenici su izjavili da kad bi se sav led otopio da bi razina mora porasla za 2-3 metra,što znaci da bi mnogo otoka i obalnih dijelova zemlje nestalo u moru.
Da skratim priču, donosim Vam dokumentarac o jednoj velikoj katastrofi koja se desila puno ranije,al koja je već tada bila kao opomena za svih nas danas.
Uživajte u gledanju. :)
Čovijek je najveći krivac za promjene koje se dešavaju, naročito u posljednjih 40.godina.
Iako se stalno radi na poboljšavanju klime, odnosno samog okoliša, ipak je to pretežak zadatak da bi bio 100% ostvariv, nažalost već je prekasno za neke veće promjene u pozitivnom smislu.
Zbog velikog razvoja industrije te ostalih sličnih pogona, zrak u atmosferi se jako zagađuje,što stvara negativne posljedice na samu klimu i njen razvoj.
Ljudi previše zagađuju zemlju,okoliš te samim time i klimu, koja se mijenja zbog toga.
Da bi se klima uspijela oporavit, mi ljudi bi trebali ugasit svu industriju,prestat vozit automobile, te mnoge druge stvari koje zagađuju okoliš, i to najmanje 100godina bi trebalo tako bit, da zemlja sama obnovi svoje izvore te se sve vrati u normalu.
Danas ima sve više, potresa,tsunamija,zime su sve hladnije, pa čak i na onim toplijim krajevima di skoro pa nikad nema snijega,i tamo pada,ljeta su isto tako sve toplija.
Sunce je sve jače,te samim time jačaju ultraljubičaste zrake koje su štetne za čovijeka,ozonska rupa je sve veća,pa tako i zaštita od sunca sve manja.
Led se topi sve brže,dok se razina mora povećava, što se počelo osjećat u mnogim krajevima kao npr. Maldivima, gdje je počeo nestajat jedan otok,zbog povećanja razine mora.
Znanstvenici su izjavili da kad bi se sav led otopio da bi razina mora porasla za 2-3 metra,što znaci da bi mnogo otoka i obalnih dijelova zemlje nestalo u moru.
Da skratim priču, donosim Vam dokumentarac o jednoj velikoj katastrofi koja se desila puno ranije,al koja je već tada bila kao opomena za svih nas danas.
Uživajte u gledanju. :)
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
At the beginning of the Quaternary Period a huge system of equatorial lakes formed and changes in the climate led to the creation of what is now the Nile River.
The Nile is in fact a product of the White Nile and the Blue Nile, which merge in the Sudan, near the modern city of Khartoum.....
The ancient Egyptians called their homeland KEMET, or the "black land" distinguishing it from the desert that surrounded it, which they called DESHRET, meaning the "red land".
They referred to themselves as REMET-EN-KEMET,(the people of the black land).
The black land was arable earth, the fartile silt that the Nile deposited each year when it overflowed its banks, and that black land covered the same extent as the Nile's annual floods.
During the Tertiary Period (around 45 milion years ago) Egypt was entirely covered by the great ocean Tethys.
When, towards the end of the Tertiary Period, the great mountain-building movements of the earth's continental plates led to the formation of the Himalayas and the Alps, the waters of the massive ancient sea dropped, the basin of the Mediterranean Sea was formed, and the territories now called Egypt and the Sahara emerged.
The Pyramids
The Nile is in fact a product of the White Nile and the Blue Nile, which merge in the Sudan, near the modern city of Khartoum.....
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